Your Contribution
This festival will be available by contribution, in support of a new way of doing things. We have several tiers of exchange that we've suggested. We understand the current situation has left people in various financial positions - we get it and so let us meet you where you are at. If you're not in a position to make a financial commitment or are positioned well to support us beyond the tiers or if you would like to make a different kind of contribution, we would love to hear from you by email at

Each contribution receives access to the 36 hour Live Stream plus top 4 tiers receive full access to the festival community and session by session recordings of all content made available via an online portal post event.

$80.00 AUD (€45.00)
$100.00 AUD (€56.00)
$150.00 AUD (€84.00)
$65.00 AUD (€36.00)
$50.00 AUD (€28.00)
$25.00 AUD (€14.00)
$5.00 AUD
Your Full Name:
Your Email Address:
Your Mobile Number:
How Did You Hear About YES& Festival:
Referral Code:
Credit Card Number:
CVC Code:
Expiry Month:
Expiry Year:
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